
I’ve bought a domain. Now what? Make it a hub of the things I like, I guess…


I’ll eventually come round to writing this, for now you can read about me here.

See also

Since you’re here, why not check some friends’ stuff too?


The landing page was influenced by Nathan Randecker’s Particle and AJ’s Aerial themes, which are distributed under the MIT and Creative Commons Attribution licenses respectively.

The blog pages were forked from Ronalds Vilciņš’ Sidey theme, which is distributed under the MIT license.

Some pages use icons from Google’s Material Design Icons, which are distributed under the Apache-2.0 License.

This project was made with Jekyll and is hosted by GitHub Pages.


Privacy is important to me, so I made the effort to not use any trackers, and to keep JS usage to a minimum. Currently only the search page uses JS.

I do, however, occasionally check statistics with my DNS provider just out of curiosity. This just means I can see the origin and number of DNS requests made to my domain.